CBS  with Gail King  who was among those  invited by the Mandela Family reported  on the wonderful relationship between Winnie and Graca ; how that they united leaving their differences behind.   At one point, she says how striking everyone thought it was when  Winnie would reach over and wipe tears from Graca eyes.  Why should this be so striking for these two powerful women who both loved the Father of  peace and the man who brought overt apartheid to an end in South Afrika?

Unity is what it is going to take if Afrikans are going to survive as a Nation of people!  Unity is a must if the Motherland is to be preserved!  Unity is a must if Afrikans are to be free from foreign oppression!  Unity is what it is going to take for Afrikans to succeed economically and reclaim their country from foreign and corporate invasion!

Gail King Speaking  with a close family friend of the Mandela family,   Jerry Inzerillo, gave us more personal insights on Madiba. At one point Gail King said that she heard one of the Ounu Villagers say that "A big tree has fallen"! Inerillo quoted Mr Mandela saying. "A tiny seed carries the promise for the mighty tree".  
Yes, the children are our future, however, there must be strong leaders of integrity and substance to lead them into a bright future with hope, faith and the assurance of their inheritance!  The family unit must be restored to the ways of the Ancient Ones.

Indeed a big tree has fallen! If we are to maintain a sense of freedom for all people we must change our mindsets to embrace that upcoming generation, teaching them by example of honesty and integrity! Encouraging them by any means necessary to live together in peace with all men and to live an unselfish life in justice, fairness and love for all of mankind with their culture intact. 

Mr. Mandel and his fight for freedom, justice and equality will end if our World leaders truly embrace and move forward with his legacy.

I speak to Afrikans and Afrikan leaders around the world; “The song is over but you do not forget the melody”.  NOW, is the time to sing loud and clear!  We must demand Reparations!  We must demand justice!  We must demand equality!  We must focus on the foreign domination in Afrikan countries and demand that those corporations make restitution!   

We must demand that they pay a fair wage from the trillions of dollars they have taken out of Afrika!   

We must demand to see vast immediate notable improvements in every social, economic, and political sector at every level!    

We must demand honor and integrity from and for our government Leaders!   

We must come against anything that comes against the integrity and growth of our Afrikan Ancestors, culture and the removal of Her natural resources without properly reimbursing Afrikans!

Afrikan citizens must not only assimilate information on radio, TV and the newspapers but take actions against their oppressors!  

Take action against those large corporations who rape and steal what rightfully belongs to us.   

The fight is not over!  It has just begun.  Therefore, be encouraged, stir up the gifts within you, press towards the goal of the upward calling—Truth!  Respect! Honor! A your glorious inheritance!

Truth is that who has been set free is free, indeed!  Freedom is not won without a fight!  We must fight for our honor! 
We must fight for our respect! 

Afrikans  were Decolonized but have invite their captors and oppressors back into your house to run it.  These enemies have made you to believe that you cannot survive without them! In the words of President Obama:  "Yes we can"!   

We survived the Transatlantic Slave Trade!  Why?  Because we are a chosen people!  We are a feared people!  We are a mistreated people because we have been chosen! Our oppressors are afraid that we will learn truth come from under their oppression and become restored!

Therefore, we must muster our strength, forget our differences, unite and continue to fight the good fight of faith.  We must fight for freedom not by words only; not by waiting on a God to open doors for us but we must look to the god within us to knock down every door!

We must break down every wall! We must sever  every stronghold that holds us captive mentally, physically, economically, politically, financially and spiritually!  

When we move, this is when Divine Spirit will move and began to work all things out on our behalf!  Therefore demand what is yours and you shall have it!  

“You have not because you ask not” and when you ask you expect not to receive!  I am telling you to expect it!  Demand it! And take it by any means necessary! 
Mr. Mandela did not accept release from his prisoners on their terms and neither should we.  He understood the meaning of sacrifice!  He understood what true freedom was!  He understood that death is better than living under oppression and apartheid!

Embrace your culture not the European or Western ways that are designed to distract us from our Life-Purpose and true mission of inheritance!  All the while they keep us down, disjointed and living in poverty.

Mr. Mandela never forgot his roots.  He learned leadership from Tribal      Chiefs.
Yet European and Western mindsets want us to forsake Truth that was handed down to us and leave the ways of our Ancestors to embrace Christianity and Protestantism Religions  both of which were founded in slavery!  
Know that we are  a Holy people!  We are a Royal Generation! We are a Chosen Priesthood! We are a Holy Nation!
This is why we are so feared and kept at the bottom of the social, economic and political scales.  However, when we rise up and unite as a people, there is nothing that will be denied us.  Let us reclaim what is ours!  God has said that "Afrika will be restored beyond Her former beauty".  Restoration has come!

Hotep Light One Love!

Apostle Rubie James with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.
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